
I’ve been reading since I was first taught how to in Kindergarten or so. As a kid, I would read the Young Students’ Learning Library encyclopedias for fun. I was one of those kids that my parents had to take my books away as punishment, because if they tried just sending me to my room… I’d just go in there and read. I was already reading Clancy before I was a teenager. Over the course of my life, I’ve probably averaged around 30 books per year, mostly because pre-2013 I was dead tree book exclusive (paper, mostly paperback) and in that era I re-read many of my books every few years. Since 2013, I’ve been eReader exclusive and my yearly book count has averaged closer to a book a week or more. Since 2017 alone, I’ve managed to read over 1,500 books – and every single review is on this site, plus literally hundreds of others. 🙂