#BookReview: The Genesi Cure by Tristen Willis

Pacing Issues And Out Of The Blue (And Unnecessary) Epilogue Mar Promising Sequel. With how this book ultimately comes out, to my mind it actually would have worked better as one single book rather than two, even though both books told complete stories within themselves. This book arguably brings the most similarities to Hunger Games’ Mockingjay, with so much military strategizing of a looming threat dominating the book before a quick sprint of a final fight with an almost literal blink and you’ll miss it climax. As I said in the review of the first book here, it is still solid enough for the genre and for what it is, and fans of this particular type of tale will likely still very much enjoy this particular book. The training sections and first actual battle are particularly well done and indeed also bring to mind certain elements of Breaking Dawn, which was an interesting twist given the comparisons I named in my review of the first book.

Ultimately the star deduction was 90% about the epilogue though, and while I fully cop to this being a touch of a spoiler, it is an important deal breaker for many people, so I want those types to be aware of this up front – rather than defenestrating this text from the highest available window and leaving a one star review. Specifically, completely out of the blue with *zero* indication *anywhere* else that this was even *remotely* in the cards, we find ourselves a time after the final fight… and suddenly our lead suddenly has a baby, which becomes the entire focus of the epilogue. This was not only unnecessary, but also tarnishes the story told to this point moreso than the aforementioned pacing issues ever did, to the level that it leaves quite a bad “aftertaste” on the story.

Still, up until the moment of the epilogue, this is still a solid story of its type and one many will find enjoyable – and indeed, many will even enjoy that epilogue. But for those that don’t like sudden pregnancies/ sudden babies at the end of their books… just know that you can spare yourself and skip the epilogue without missing anything of import and while preserving your own view of this book.


This review of The Genesi Cure by Tristen Willis was originally written on December 31, 2024.

#BookReview: The Sentinel: The Complete Jane Harper Trilogy by Jeremy Robinson

Terrific Trilogy Puts A New Spin On Well Established Entities.

As this *is* a review of the entire trilogy, let me start by placing my reviews of THE SENTINEL and THE RAVEN (Books 1 and 2) here first:


A Long Time Coming. Let me tell you a story. It begins in 2010. Jeremy Robinson and I have known each other online for a few years now, having met in MySpace. I’ve read every book he’s written (just a half dozen or so at this point), and he is now releasing a book he calls TORMENT – his first outright horror book. So I read it too. And it literally gave me nightmares for YEARS after reading it.

A year later, Robinson releases his next horror book – The Sentinel. And it becomes the first of his books that I would not read… for 13 years. Until November 2024, when he is gearing up to release the completed Jane Harper Trilogy via writing a book called THE HOST and packaging it similarly to how he did FAMINE and HUNGER: THE COMPLETE TRILOGY earlier in the 2020s.

And now that my nightmares from TORMENT have faded – particularly after Robinson retconned it into his INFINITE TIMELINE event in the late 2010s/ early 2020s and weakened it significantly – I’m finally in a position that I can attempt to read THE SENTINEL.

And what I found… was nowhere NEAR the horror of TORMENT. Yes, it absolutely has its horrific moments – many times over. Its got an almost Carrie-type callback. Its got a ship sinking. Its got creatures. Its got the same irreverent wit that Robinson would come to develop more over the last 15 years. Truly, having read everything Robinson has released since THE SENTINEL (other than its sequel, THE RAVEN), this may as well be included in his “Origins” package, because you can absolutely see in this book the beginnings of his style to come for the next decade+ of his career.

So pick this book up, even now – or maybe wait until March 2025 when THE SENTINEL: THE COMPLETE JANE HARPER TRILOGY is released. You’re going to laugh. You’re going to cry. You might even puke a few times at the horror on the screen. But you’re going to have a blast doing it, and you’re going to want to have the next book available immediately at hand anyway.

Very much recommended.


Second Book In Series Picks Up Weeks After First Book And Raises Stakes. This is one of those second books where we get direct (if a few weeks later) follow-up to the story from the first book – so absolutely read The Sentinel first, or wait until March 2025 when The Sentinel: The Complete Jane Harper Trilogy will be available, as you absolutely need that context to understand much of any of the insanity happening in this book. As has always been the case in a Robinson book, the New God of Science Fiction – a moniker I gave Robinson long after the original release of this book over a decade ago – takes a somewhat common concept in scifi (zombies, here) and makes it 100% his own while creating utterly wild action sequences that you’ll never see anywhere else. And boy do this book have a lot of those. Wow.

The one issue with this particular book – soon to *finally* be rectified – is that it very clearly sets up a sequel and likely conclusion to the trilogy… that Robinson then waited *over a decade* to deliver on. Though he’s still faster in concluding his stories than a certain famous “Game” / “Song” writer. 😉
So read this one now if you haven’t, to get ready for THE HOST, available in the aforementioned THE SENTINEL: THE COMPLETE JANE HARPER TRILOGY in just about 3 months as I write this review. Or pick up that book when it comes out in March, because I guarantee you that by the time you finish this book, you’ll be glad THE HOST begins on the next page.

Very much recommended.

And now, the conclusion of our trilogy:


Concussive Conclusion. Man, if you thought THE RAVEN hit hard and heavy, this book is about to feel like you went a few rounds with Iron Mike Tyson in his prime… in the best of ways. The action here, well, Robinson has had a decade since writing the last book to hone his craft even further. And with that truly demented mind… yeah, you’re in for some pretty awesome treats in this particular tale.

As a conclusion to this trilogy (finally, though still faster than that “Game” / “Song” dude), this works on many, many levels. You get the callback to using a particular name that Robinson used a few times in his earlier books, though in a completely different character here. (For those who don’t know, that name happens to be Robinson’s long time editor, assistant, and occasional co-author, and while those who *do* know now know he shows up, that’s all I’m saying here.) You get some of the more metaphysical discussions that Robinson has packed into a few of his books over the years to great affect (at least in my opinion, and hey, this is my damn review :D). You get the humor and action and heart that has defined Robinson’s career from the earliest books through now and presumably for as long as he is writing. And you get a conclusion for all of these characters that works within the story told to this point, without going all “Return Of The King” and ending hours after it should have.

The *one* issue I have with this book, and I told Robinson this personally shortly after finishing in a more direct way (as it involves spoilers to get *too* specific here), is that where the metaphysical discussion is happening, Robinson reaches to what I told him seems to have become a bit of a crutch these last few years, and that I hope he ditches that particular device in the next few books. At least for a few books. So we’ll see what happens there, but even still, it absolutely worked within the story told within this trilogy, so it isn’t like it was *completely* out there – just a personal preference that I told the author, whom I’ve known for many, many years, directly and am expressing in this review. Feel free to tell me to go to hell over this and that you *love* that particular crutch and hope Robinson uses it in *every* book. 🙂 As long as you’re reading and reviewing books, I’m happy. 😀

Ultimately, again, this really was a pretty damn perfect conclusion to this particular trilogy.

Very much recommended.

And with three “Very much recommended” ratings on three books in this completed trilogy… yes, the trilogy as a whole is thus very much recommended.

This review of The Sentinel: The Complete Jane Harper Trilogy by Jeremy Robinson was originally written on December 10, 2024.

#BookReview: The Raven by Jeremy Robinson

Second Book In Series Picks Up Weeks After First Book And Raises Stakes. This is one of those second books where we get direct (if a few weeks later) follow-up to the story from the first book – so absolutely read The Sentinel first, or wait until March 2025 when The Sentinel: The Complete Jane Harper Trilogy will be available, as you absolutely need that context to understand much of any of the insanity happening in this book. As has always been the case in a Robinson book, the New God of Science Fiction – a moniker I gave Robinson long after the original release of this book over a decade ago – takes a somewhat common concept in scifi (zombies, here) and makes it 100% his own while creating utterly wild action sequences that you’ll never see anywhere else. And boy do this book have a lot of those. Wow.

The one issue with this particular book – soon to *finally* be rectified – is that it very clearly sets up a sequel and likely conclusion to the trilogy… that Robinson then waited *over a decade* to deliver on. Though he’s still faster in concluding his stories than a certain famous “Game” / “Song” writer. 😉

So read this one now if you haven’t, to get ready for THE HOST, available in the aforementioned THE SENTINEL: THE COMPLETE JANE HARPER TRILOGY in just about 3 months as I write this review. Or pick up that book when it comes out in March, because I guarantee you that by the time you finish this book, you’ll be glad THE HOST begins on the next page.

Very much recommended.

This review of The Raven by Jeremy Robinson was originally written on December 10, 2024.

#BookReview: The Sentinel by Jeremy Robinson

A Long Time Coming. Let me tell you a story. It begins in 2010. Jeremy Robinson and I have known each other online for a few years now, having met in MySpace. I’ve read every book he’s written (just a half dozen or so at this point), and he is now releasing a book he calls TORMENT – his first outright horror book. So I read it too. And it literally gave me nightmares for YEARS after reading it.

A year later, Robinson releases his next horror book – The Sentinel. And it becomes the first of his books that I would not read… for 13 years. Until November 2024, when he is gearing up to release the completed Jane Harper Trilogy via writing a book called THE HOST and packaging it similarly to how he did FAMINE and HUNGER: THE COMPLETE TRILOGY earlier in the 2020s.

And now that my nightmares from TORMENT have faded – particularly after Robinson retconned it into his INFINITE TIMELINE event in the late 2010s/ early 2020s and weakened it significantly – I’m finally in a position that I can attempt to read THE SENTINEL.

And what I found… was nowhere NEAR the horror of TORMENT. Yes, it absolutely has its horrific moments – many times over. Its got an almost Carrie-type callback. Its got a ship sinking. Its got creatures. Its got the same irreverent wit that Robinson would come to develop more over the last 15 years. Truly, having read everything Robinson has released since THE SENTINEL (other than its sequel, THE RAVEN), this may as well be included in his “Origins” package, because you can absolutely see in this book the beginnings of his style to come for the next decade+ of his career.

So pick this book up, even now – or maybe wait until March 2025 when THE SENTINEL: THE COMPLETE JANE HARPER TRILOGY is released. You’re going to laugh. You’re going to cry. You might even puke a few times at the horror on the screen. But you’re going to have a blast doing it, and you’re going to want to have the next book available immediately at hand anyway.

Very much recommended.

This review of The Sentinel by Jeremy Robinson was originally written on December 6, 2024.

#BookReview: Hera’s Scream by Shaun Griffin

Series Second Sets Up Spectacular Climax. Seriously, this book does its job as the second book in a trilogy really quite well, resolving many of the lingering threads from Book 1 while furthering certain other threads and setting up what should truly be one *epic* climax in Book 3. Here, Griffin manages to tie up a lot of the loose ends from Book 1, maybe by stepping away from the hard boiled noir a touch and leaning a touch more into the more scifi/ action elements, but while remaining true to the world created in Book 1.

And then that ending.

DAYUM even I wish I already had Book 3 in my hands, and I’m pretty sure that as I write this review on December 6, 2024, Griffin is still *writing* said book. 🙂

Truly one of the better trilogies to come out in 2024-2025, and very much recommended.

This review of Hera’s Scream by Shaun Griffin was originally written on December 6, 2024.

#BookReview: Revenant-X by David Wellington

Just As Long – And *STILL* Only Tells One Part Of The Story. As the title of this review harkens back to my original review of the first book in this series, PARADISE-1, I should note that in that review I specifically proclaimed “I personally would love a sequel that picks up moments after this book leaves off”. Which is *exactly* what we get here. So yes, this is one of those series you really do need to read in order – and in this case, that means sitting down for about 1400 pages of scifi space horror.

I named a lot of different scifi franchises in that review of PARADISE-1, and while they are spot on for that book, this book feels more like a different scifi franchise, one that first released months after that book – the new (now 14 month old) STARFIELD. Players of that game will note that many of its planets are barren, rocky, and almost entirely devoid of any life at all – even humans looking for a pit stop. Which is largely the case with this book, and just as Starfield can admittedly get a touch repetitive in the “find this spot, get attacked by whatever is there, kill it, move to the next spot” mechanics… yes, that same type of storytelling comes to bear here.

Where Wellington shines, and truly helps the pacing and thus makes the read feel nowhere near as long as it actually is, is in his use of shorter chapters. There are nearly 120 chapters in this book, and thus by the time you’re in the Chapter 30 range and roughly 25-30% done with the book… you find yourself looking back and thinking you haven’t actually been reading that long. Even at Chapter 100 with another 100 pages or so left, you still don’t think it has been that long, nor do you really think there is that much longer left. Or at least this was my own experience. 🙂

And yes, this one also ends with the reader demanding to see the next book immediately, as where the first book left off at a certain point that *demanded* a sequel, here things have changed and now it is because of the specific course of events and those still to come that the reader will be desperately waiting to see what happens next.

One note here, more on my personal experience, but possibly informative for others as well: I “only” read 335 books in the 644 days between reading PARADISE-1 and REVENANT-X, and Wellington does a solid job of bringing the reader back into the fold rapidly, even if you don’t remember exact details of the prior book.

Very much recommended.

This review of Revenant-X by David Wellington was originally written on November 4, 2024.

#BookReview: Good Boys: The Visionary by Jeremy Robinson

Epic Finale As Only The New God Of Science Fiction Can. Robinson has had epic finales before (SINGULARITY, PROJECT: LEGION, FAMINE), and yet this man continually out does even his own insane storytelling abilities. Truly, his creativity knows seemingly few – if any – bounds, and he is always surprising in what influences he brings to bear on any given project.

Once again, we find ourselves dealing with the near immediate aftermath of the last book… as we jump straight into the action of this one. And what action it is. Spanning the globe and breaking a team into smaller chunks… and yet bringing them back together in surprising and inventive ways. Along the way, I’m pretty sure Robinson does as much as possible to gross everyone – but particularly his Audible narrator – out… and yes, if you have a somewhat weak stomach, there will likely be more than a few gag moments for you. But there are also going to be a lot of rolling on the floor laughing your ass off moments… so just hope and pray to all that you consider holy that the two moments are no the same one. (And know that your prayers won’t go any higher than the ceiling of the room you’re in, because yet again, Robinson seems intent on making someone learn what it feels like to lose their lunch while laughing so hard.)

Full of Robinson’s unique blend of action, laughs, and heart, this conclusion to this trilogy really is his best yet.

Very much recommended.

This review of Good Boys: The Visionary by Jeremy Robinson was originally written on November 1, 2024.

#BlogTour: Magical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer

For this blog tour, we’re looking at a book that has a WTF or two, but also quite a bit to love. For this blog tour, we’re looking at Magical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer.

First, the review I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / BookBub.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

Lots To Love – With a WTF Or Two. First, my own “WTF” is the intense focus on anti-Semitism (meaning anti-Jew, specifically, even though Arabs are also Semitic, according to the actual genetic definition) throughout the text – but Meltzer actually uses that, eventually, to get into areas she’s never really gone to in my experience reading most of her books. Thus, that actually turned into a good thing, as she was able to use it to further her growth as a storyteller.

And that actually gets into the lots to love here. Meltzer is unapologetic in seeking to make Jewish lives more “normal” to an outside audience, usually by taking quirky characters and showing them loving, laughing, making mistakes, learning from them… you know, doing the stuff we pretty well all do. But also including quite a bit of Jewish specific elements, here mostly focusing on magic and in particular the concept of the golem – which is more often, in my reading experience, used in science fiction to varying degrees. (Both Jeremy Robinson and Kent Holloway have used them quite effectively, among others.) Meltzer even provides some in-story exposition on the history of golems in Judaic philosophy, which was a particularly nice touch – especially given that a romcom audience is probably less familiar with the overall concept than the aforementioned scifi crowd.

Indeed, the golem of the story… well, he’s used quite well, actually. Both for what he is believed to be and for what ultimately happens – though I’m trying to be as spoiler free as possible here. I will note that it is the golem that plays the larger role in Meltzer’s expansion of her storytelling abilities, mentioned above, but I think that may be as close as I can get here and remain spoiler free.

Ultimately a fun book, perhaps a touch heavier than some would prefer in a romcom, but still fulfilling all known requirements of a romcom. Very much recommended.

After the jump, an excerpt from the book followed by the “publisher details” – book info, description, author bio, social links, and buy links.
Continue reading “#BlogTour: Magical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer”

#BlogTour: When The Sky Falls *AND* When The Dawn Breaks by B.R. Spangler

For this blog tour we’re doing something I don’t think we’ve ever done in the history of this blog – we’re looking at *two* books at once! For this blog tour, we’re looking at the Dark Skies Apocalypse series, When The Sky Falls and When The Dawn Breaks by B.R. Spangler.

First, the review for When The Sky Falls I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

Explosive Opener Leads To Survival Epic. One of the first things you need to know about this particular (now) duology of When The Sky Falls and When The Dawn Breaks is that this is now the third time this story has been revised and repackaged – thus, when it feels like the book suddenly switches gears and becomes seemingly an entirely different book at around the 2/3 mark or so… that’s because in its original forms, it *was* a second book at that point.

But taking that into consideration and reading this duology back to back, effectively reading what was formerly a four book series all at once, feels a bit like reading a shorter version of Douglas Adams’ epic five volume romp through space in The Hithhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy… but in a far more grounded, survival scifi type story. As with The Complete Hitchhiker though, this story actually works quite well in this form.

Part I has the explosive opener reminiscent of the opener of Brett Battles’ SICK, the opening salvo of his seven volume epic apocalyptic survival series PROJECT EDEN, and in some ways – the mall scenes in particular, but also some of the scenes between the opening and that point – really challenge Battles as to which is truly the more compelling story.

Part 2 of this text is set a bit “down the road” from the events of Part I. The Apocalypse has effectively happened, and the survivors have set up what civilization they can. Here, the story becomes more of an exploration-survival story, where we learn how the world has changed from the one we know… and how humanity, in many ways, never really changes much.

While Part I has its heart wrenching moments and makes the room a bit dusty at times in certain ways, Part 2 manages to twist these things a touch and do a bit of its own thing – which is why it can be jarring to read it in the same book as Part I – but also manages to up the stakes a bit in its own way, before finally leaving the reader almost literally begging for the continuation of the story – now to follow in When The Dawn Breaks, with both books being released together.

Very much recommended.

Next, the review for When The Dawn Breaks I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

More Consistent Yet Less Grounded Storytelling Than Predecessor. When The Sky Falls, for all of its faults in rather clunkily combining two prior books into one, was a very grounded story of survival in both the immediate aftermath of an Apocalypse and several years later. Here, we continue not long after the events of Part 2 of When The Sky Falls leave off – indeed, seemingly just hours after the events of that book’s finale.

And we wind up getting a far more consistent – if also much more fanciful – tale in this book. Without going *too* deep into spoiler territory, I’ll say that some elements of the ending of When The Sky Falls are continued and continued quite effectively, but the newer elements of this tale are where it becomes far less grounded and much deeper into the realm of scifi than simply a post-Apocalyptic story. We get some versions of some answers to some questions, and we’re left with a lot more questions… seemingly leaving room for Spangler to come back to this world, if the third time revising and rereleasing these stories is indeed the charm and sales truly increase such that this may be an option for him.

While When The Sky Falls had a few dusty rooms, this tale has a very different feel that taps into a very different but nearly equally visceral emotion – particularly in some more blatant moments. It is hard to describe this part while avoiding all spoilers, so I’ll just leave it at that. I enjoyed this stretch and thought it well done, but admittedly it could be a bit much and perhaps a bit complex for some readers.

So come along for the ride and see what happens after the sky falls and when the dawn finally breaks. 😉

Very much recommended.

After the jump, the “publisher details” for both books – book info, description, author bio, social links, and buy links.
Continue reading “#BlogTour: When The Sky Falls *AND* When The Dawn Breaks by B.R. Spangler”

#BookReview: The Vampire’s Valet by Kent Holloway

Stoker Meets Doyle With A Touch Of The MCU Approach. If you love the non-sparkly, dark, horrific, brooding, *evil* vampire lore… you’re gonna love this book. If you love the Sherlock Holmes type detective tale, perhaps with a more solo “beat people until they give you answers” Batman/ Jack Reacher type bent… you’re gonna love this book. If you like MCU style storytelling with a shared universe with lots of different well known characters… you’re gonna love this book.

Here, Holloway clearly shows that he too is a massive fan of all of the above, and he uses his skills as a writer to manage to combine elements of each into a cohesive tale that works both on its own and works to set up a “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” type saga. At just under 300 pages, this isn’t the shortest book out there, but it provides just enough… *ahem* red meat *ahem*… to tell its tale well without overstaying its welcome (a danger, with these types of characters, just sayin) and while effectively both satisfying the reader of this tale and leaving them wanting a subsequent tale in this shared universe.

Meaning the book did its job on all fronts, and did them all well.

Now I just need y’all to fall in love with this book and start preaching its wonders so we can see how far Holloway can take it. 😉

Very much recommended.

This review of The Vampire’s Valet by Kent Holloway was originally written on August 7, 2024.