This week, we find ourselves reading a great new adult romance with a tinge of science fiction. This week, we feature Infinite Blue by Darren and Simon Groth.
This book starts with an imperiled teenager – he is caught in a riptide, can’t get out, and is getting too tired to continue. A world class swimmer happens to be nearby and saves him… and they begin dating.
We next cut to a scene some months later, when the couple has been together for a few months already. And here, so early in this book, we get our first whispers of some science fiction elements – even while the story ostensibly remains about the couple and their work. (His art, her swimming). Soon enough in this less than 200 page book, our swimmer encounters a life changing tragedy and must find her way out of it – including whether or not she can remain with her boyfriend.
This is a great, quick read that shows the depth of love no matter the age of the adults involved and as such is quite a heavy read, even though quick. And that ending… left me breathless. Absolutely pick this book up, I for one am very much looking forward to future projects from the Groth Brothers.
And as always, the Goodreads/ Amazon and Youtube reviews below the jump.
Infinite Love. This book starts with a near drowning in a rip tide that brings together a talented swimmer and an excellent artist, and proceeds to tell the tale of their love… and the artist’s Finnish grandmother nearly steals the show. Excellent drama with some mild fantasy/ scifi elements built in almost from the beginning that proceeds to a stunning conclusion. A very quick and easy read, though hardly light – this is a deep look at eternal love, even when the couple is young.