This week we look to an excellent tale of coming of age in the summer of 1969 – that only mentions one of the numerous events happening in the US that summer. This week, we’re looking at Stay by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Well, y’all are. This is going up a few days early because I am leaving to meet up with a cruise ship and spend the week in the Caribbean. 😉
This was another strong book from Hyde, with quite a few individual dramas all interconnected via how they intersect with one teenager’s own life. Some school drama, some first romance drama, plenty of familial drama with two different characters impacted by service in Vietnam but also two separate couples having their own difficulties, a black sheep of an entire small town, and more. Overall this story, like so many of Hyde’s, comes down to the power of a caring community – and this is exactly where the book finds its power.
Truly a great story touching many difficult and sensitive topics with an adroitful grace, this is yet another that would work well on the silver screen. Very much recommended.
As always, the Amazon/ Goodreads review:
I Hope You’ll Stay. This was a solid coming of age story of a boy dealing with quite a bit in the summer of 1969 – though only one of those things is directly related to that very notable summer. Instead, we mostly see several very relatable dramas playing out through the eyes of our narrator. Very well written, all but a single chapter take place during that one eventful summer – with the final chapter providing answers to how everything turned out, from a perspective of many years afterward. Very much recommended.