#BookReview: The Gift Of Not Belonging by Rami Kaminski

“New” (Yet Also Obvious, At Least For This Reader) Research Marred By Lack Of Bibliography. As I noted in the title just now, really the only objective flaw in this text, at least the Advance Review Copy of it I read in December 2024 months before actual publication, is the dearth of a bibliography, clocking in at an almost non-existent 2%. Given the particularly strong claims made within this text, that is a *shockingly* small amount of evidence to support Kaminsky’s claims, which while I acknowledge are based on his personal career as a therapist, still need actual documentation from outside sources in order to be more fully believed and accepted as objective reality.

This dearth of documentation was the cause of the star deduction, but otherwise this was an interesting, if obvious – at least to me – read.

Maybe it is due to being Autistic, maybe it is because I’ve always felt I lived my life between two worlds in virtually every possible arena, maybe it is any number of other factors, but Kaminsky’s arguments about an “otrovert” – a term he is coining here to mean someone predisposed to be focused outside of any group – felt rather obvious to me. In claiming that both extroverts and introverts ultimately want to be part of whatever community they find personally valuable, but otroverts exist more along the periphery and don’t feel those communal bonds as importantly… Kaminsky’s arguments made a lot of personal sense to me, as this is largely the way I’ve felt throughout my life. Indeed, in my later teen years I actually explicitly told those around me that I needed to learn what I believed for the simple reason that I believed it to be true – not because those of my community or any other community decreed it to be true, but because I had done my own research and reached my own conclusions. At the time I believed this was something every adult should do – though as I’ve grown over the near three decades since, I’ve realized that few ever truly do. Instead, most ultimately subscribe to some minute variation of the beliefs of those around them or those they have some strong online or otherwise physically distant relationship with. Which again, makes Kaminsky’s arguments ring true to my own personal observations.

But while my personal observations may flavor and direct my own personal beliefs and, through communication, can help influence the beliefs of others, I hesitate to claim my observations as true *conclusions* of objective reality and instead try to always point out that they are simply my own views. I’m just the blind mouse reporting my own observations as I feel around my own little section of the elephant, and my own direct observations could in fact be wrong in the more general and objective sense.

Which is why I *really* wanted to see a LOT more documentation here, because Kaminsky’s points *do* ring true to me – but without far more documentation from far more sources, it is truly hard to know if this is just a viewpoint Kaminsky and I largely share or if there truly is this third personality type out there, and that societal understanding of this third personality type could prove beneficial in the long run *if it is shown to objectively exist*.

Read this book. Kaminsky does a great job of laying out his arguments in a largely conversational, easy to follow manner, using a lot of personal and (non identifiable) patient anecdotes. Make your own call about whether you think Kaminsky is on to something or is a crank that shouldn’t be trusted. Write your own review of this book explaining which side you fall on and why. And hell, maybe together our reviews can provide a level of documentation that this text is utterly missing. 🙂

Very much recommended.

This review of The Gift Of Not Belonging by Rami Kaminski was originally written on December 28, 2024.

#BookReview: Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Simplistic, Perhaps A Touch Naive And Even Self-Centered, But Nothing Technically Wrong. This is one of those self-help/ memoir combinations that perhaps would work best for someone who is truly at rock bottom and can’t think of any way out of their current life or any way to better their current situation. Particularly if such a person had never had a parent or elder in their life to teach them these very basic lessons that many parents teach early on. So that is actually another way of looking at this: as a grandfather stares at his own mortality, these are the lessons he hopes to impart to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Yes, there is a lot of “I did this, so you can do a version of it too” – and, at the end of the day, a LOT of advice tends to be based around that idea, not just in this book. There actually weren’t as many specifics of Arnold’s life as one might think in here, as he actively states at the beginning of the book that he knows he made some mistakes and destroyed his family, but this book isn’t about that.

Yes, there is also quite a bit of repetition of the basic, simplistic, perhaps a touch naive points. Here again, as many any educator will tell you, the primary way to teach is to repeat. Over and over and over. Yes, there is also quite a bit of repetition of the basic, simplistic, perhaps a touch naive points. Here again, as many any educator will tell you, the primary way to teach is to repeat. Over and over and over. Yes, there is also quite a bit of repetition of the basic, simplistic, perhaps a touch naive points. Here again, as many any educator will tell you, the primary way to teach is to repeat. Over and over and over. Yes, there is also quite a bit of repetition of the basic, simplistic, perhaps a touch naive points. Here again, as many any educator will tell you, the primary way to teach is to repeat. Over and over and over. (See what I did there? Arnold wasn’t anywhere *near* as blatant in the book, though he did in fact repeat his key points often, particularly referring back to earlier “lessons” in later chapters.)

Overall this truly was an interesting look at a clearly intelligent man who has lived a life many of us could only wish for, and the lessons he has picked up along the way. Perhaps a touch simplistic and naive, but if viewed from the perspective of a grandfather staring down his mortality and expressing the values he wishes to teach to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it makes a bit more sense. Very much recommended.

This review of Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger was originally written on January 27, 2024.

#BookReview: Right Kind Of Wrong by Amy C. Edmondson

Well Documented Examination Of How To Make Failure Work *For* You. This is one of those organizational psychology/ self-help pop psychology books that is fortunately about as light on the psychobabble bullshit as such as a book can be, and instead focuses on the science of how to fail intelligently and how to mitigate, minimize, and learn from other failures as well – yes, even some of the most catastrophic failures of the past 50 years or so (where most of Edmondson’s examples come from) can be at minimum learned from, and this is one of the large points of the text here. At roughly 30% documentation, it is on the higher end of average in my own experience, which is a great thing given all of the claims here. Organized into just a couple of handfuls of chapters, each built around explaining one of Edmondson’s core principles, this is a book that will work well in any learning environment, from college level business education classes to corporate book clubs/ leadership retreats to personal self development. And it is in fact quite practical, with quite a few lessons that can be easily (or at least readily) applied in almost any situation that seems to be becoming SNAFU or even FUBAR. Very much recommended.

This review of Right Kind Of Wrong by Amy C. Edmondson was originally written on September 3, 2023.

#BookReview: Cultured by D.P. Lyle

Laid-Back Mystery With Bite. Here in this sixth entry of D.P. Lyle’s Gulf Coast based mysteries, we see so much of what makes this series so great. There is quite a bit of humor, a great sense of laid back Gulf Coast small town life, and a mystery that could prove to be either nothing at all or quite sinister indeed. Human/ Sex Trafficking is mentioned early as a possibility of what is happening, though to reveal if it actually is would be a massive spoiler. Just be prepared for the possibility, if that is a major no-go for your own reading tastes. Overall this is truly a great book full of heart and humor all wrapped up in a satisfyingly complex and dangerous-enough mystery. Very much recommended.

This review of Cultured by D.P. Lyle was originally written on December 2, 2022.

#BookReview: Life Time by Russell Foster

Approachable Combination Of Science And Self-Help. This book is exactly what I said in the title – an approachable combination of the hard science (explained in such a way that anyone with a roughly high school education should be able to follow along reasonably well enough) and practical self-help type recommendations showing just how much sleep and the circadian rhythm affect virtually everything about the human mind and body, even down to things we may not associate with them such as cardiovascular troubles or the effectiveness of cancer treatments. It doesn’t hurt that includes one of my favorite short jokes at the beginning of one of the chapters as well. 🙂 Clocking in at around 29% bibliography, the narrative here uses a sequential numbering system for its footnotes that I distinctly remember was at least approaching – and may have surpassed – 600 individual citations. It also has an almost “FAQ” section at the end of each chapter, briefly answering common questions the author has encountered about the ideas discussed in that specific chapter. An excellent book for anyone seeking information about this topic, particularly those who may have questions about how sleep and circadian rhythms could potentially be affecting their own health. Very much recommended.

This review of Life Time by Russell Foster was originally written on August 28, 2022.

#BookReview: Unmasking Autism

More Progressive Self-Help/ Indoctrination Reinforcement Than Scientific Explanation. If you’re an Autistic of a “Progressive” bent that hates anything white and/ or anything male, this is a great self help book that won’t challenge you at all and may help explain a few things. If you care about scientific objectivity and/ or are not Autistic yourself and/ or are *not* a racist misandrist… eh, there’s still a bit to be gleamed, but you’re going to have to put up with a *lot* of racist misandrist anti-science drivel to get to it.

Which is highly disappointing. The description speaks more to this book speaking about the *entire* Autism Experience, and yet the author makes clear that they are such a racist misandrist that they actively deny that it is even possible for white and/ or male Autistics to have just as many struggles with masking as any of the other intersectional minorities the author clearly prefers.

Further, while the documentation is *near* normal at about 20% of the overall text, it is still on the low side, particularly relative to actively ignoring such a large part of the Autism Experience. (Normal range for documentation in my thousands-of-ARCs-in-5-years experience is 20-33% or so, and particularly well documented books – generally with less controversial and more holistic narratives – can get upwards of 40%.)

Overall a highly disappointing book that still offers a few points worthy of general discussion, and which certain segments of the population may like more than others. Recommended.

This review of Unmasking Autism by Devon Price was originally written on March 11, 2022.