#BookReview: Get Lost With You by Sophie Sullivan

Solid Small Town Romance With A Touch Of Spice. For those looking for Carolina Reaper level spice… this ain’t that. Yet it also isn’t a warm glass of milk. I’d say it hits around a habanero or so – spicy enough to zing the taste buds a bit, but also mild enough to excite those who generally prefer a warm glass of milk without giving them “the vapors”. šŸ˜‰

On the actual romance side, well, there’s as much family drama going on here as romance, so your mileage will absolutely vary on that side. There’s a lot of drama to work through, though both halves of our couple wanted each other all those years ago… and that never really went away, despite our female lead marrying and having a kid with another dude in the meantime (one source of so much family drama).

Fans of small town insta love/ second chance Hallmarkie type romances will generally enjoy this one. Those looking for more spice or more glitz or more glamour or more action or some such… likely not as much.

Overall I thought this worked quite well for what it is, and I was quite happy with it as such.

Very much recommended.

This review of Get Lost With You by Sophie Sullivan was originally written on December 17, 2024.

#BookReview: The (Not So) Perfect Second Chance by Maggie Dallen

Short. Quick. Hallmarkie. Perfect For Holiday Season Or Any Time You Need A Quick Break From Reality. Let’s face it, particularly barely two weeks out from polls beginning to close in the 2024 Presidential Election, we could *all* use a break from reality… but we don’t all have hours to spend in some 300+ page book, much less a 700+ page fantasy tome. Enter this short story originally written as part of an anthology, but now available independently. I read it in I want to say 2.5 hrs or so, it really is that quick. And can be mostly read in shorter chunks still, if that is all the time you have. It works *best* as a finale to the Falling In Friar Hollow series, as it was written as, but in all honesty, if you don’t mind knowing that the couples featured in a *romance book* wound up together… this could also work as an introduction of sorts to the series. Similarly, if you’ve never read Dallen and/ or her contemporary books, this is a solid introduction to her general style for that type of tale. Very much recommended.

This review of The (Not So) Perfect Second Chance by Maggie Dallen was originally written on October 22, 2024.

#BlogTour: Love And Other Lost Things by Melissa Wiesner

For this blog tour, we’re looking at a tale that will be very difficult for a lot of people – but you should read it anyway. For this blog tour, we’re looking at Love And Other Lost Things by Melissa Wiesner.

First, the review I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / BookBub.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

Will Be Difficult For Many. Read It Anyway. This book is a romance that is about surviving domestic violence and the lengths some people will go through to do that. It is about the lengths two mothers will go to to protect their children in that situation, as best they can. And yes, there happens to be a second chance romance in there as well. Ultimately, it almost feels as though the romance plays second fiddle to the more women’s fiction domestic violence drama though, even though the book *does* meet all known romance novel “requirements”… *without* going the Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse (which also meets them) route. And without being near as explicit in anything, though the “spiciness” here is at least say jalapeno level. So for those that prefer the spice level of maybe a warm glass of milk… read this book for the women’s fiction side and maybe shield your eyes or something when things get more “exciting”. šŸ˜‰

Ultimately a solid book that does indeed begin to create at least the possibility of some dusty rooms, this really is one that everyone should read, even those who find it most difficult. Perhaps *particularly* those who find it most difficult.

Very much recommended.

After the jump, the “publisher details” – book info, description, author bio, social links, and buy links.
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#BlogTour: Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason

For this blog tour, we’re looking at . For this blog tour, we’re looking at Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason.

First, the review I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

Nothing Technically Wrong, Yet Much Many Won’t Like. In my review of Mason’s earlier book, Between You And Me, three years ago last month, I noted that Mason managed to craft a tale “with particulars that Iā€™d never seen done quite this way before, and that is always something I seek out and love to find”. That remains true in this tale, seemingly her first attempt at a more lighthearted romcom after several books more in the domestic thriller/ women’s fiction space.

And while the particulars are at least somewhat new – while also being a hodgepodge of other ideas and characterizations well known in the romance space in varying forms – it also becomes quite clear that Mason is new to writing within this particular space, as she has the basic formula down quite well… and yet, there is much here that those looking for a truly mindless and hilarious “beach reach” romcom won’t find here at all.

To be clear, this book absolutely has its moments of hilarity. It also has at least habanero level spiciness… in a form that many will consider potentially offputting (but is also well known in *ahem* “certain video circles” *ahem* to be quite popular therein). And the book’s locations, in coastal California, Santorini, and even the historic areas of Athens (Greece, to be clear, vs Athens, GA, home of my beloved University of Georgia Bulldogs) are shown well… yet don’t seem to “hit” quite as well as others within the space. It also has moments of stone-cold seriousness, including when we find out our male lead’s “deep dark secret” – and here is yet another point that will be divisive for some, but which I felt was handled in a very realistic manner.

Indeed, perhaps one of the more difficult aspects of this tale is that throughout, it can never really decide if it wants to be a romcom or a “serious women’s fiction” type tale… and sadly, the combination of both comes across as disjointed enough to detract from each, rather than enhance each.

This is a book with no actual objective-ish reasons to deduct stars or not recommend, and yet it is still a difficult book to classify and really find an audience that will clearly love it – which is a shame, because Mason has shown herself to be a talented storyteller in prior efforts, and even here shows quite a bit of that talent… in fits and spurts.

So read the book for yourself and see if you can help me sort it out.


After the jump, the “publisher details” – book info, description, author bio, social links, and buy links.
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#BlogTour: The Backtrack by Erin La Rosa

For this blog tour, we’re looking at an atypical tale in a lot of ways that still works quite well. For this blog tour, we’re looking at The Backtrack by Erin La Rosa.

First, the review I posted to the book sites (Hardcover.app / BookHype.com / BookBub.com / TheStoryGraph.com / Goodreads.com):

Atypical Tale In So Many Ways Yet Everything Works Well. I’m actually listening to the playlist that plays such heavy role in this book as I sit down to write this review, and while not *everything* is to my own tastes, either back in 2005 or 20 yrs later in 2024 as I write this, the songs are not *so far* out there as to not be enjoyable, particularly given the characters in this story and where they are from. (Says the fellow native Georgian who is less than a decade older than the characters here. :D) As an example, Fall Out Boy and The Offspring? Yes please. šŸ™‚

But that actually does get into parts of what La Rosa does so well with this tale – the interesting spin she puts on the now-classic “flashback” sequences absolutely work, and work to allow effectively a romance version of a “Frequency” type story. Meaning, for those unfamiliar with that particular movie (to be clear, I never saw the TV show reboot), this storytelling device basically allows La Rosa to tell a dual timeline romance… where *both* timelines are the same couple *yet*… multiverse theory. (Which, to be clear, La Rosa never mentions.)

While we do get some dramatics in the third act, they actually serve more of a women’s fiction purpose that also helps to flesh out both our female lead and some of those around her a bit, and even with limited “screentime” in some instances, La Rosa manages to pack quite a bit in here in a short space. Indeed, given the book’s overall just-over-300-page length, it is actually rather remarkable just how much story La Rosa manages to pack in here, particularly given how other authors even within the romance space can spend seemingly 100 pages describing the landscape around the characters.

Ultimately this was a fun book that had a lot of nostalgia and several interesting spins on now-classic concepts and it used all of this well in service of the story it was trying to tell. In the end, using the elements you bring in well in service of the story you’re trying to tell is really all I ask of *any* book.

Very much recommended.

After the jump, an excerpt from the book followed by the “publisher details” – book info, description, author bio, social links, and buy links.
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#BookReview: This Spells Love by Kate Robb

Second Chance / “Glimpse” Type Tale Done Right. This is one of those second chance/ “glimpse” type tales ala the late 90s/ early 2000s movie The Family Man with Nic Cage and Tea Leoni done *right*, complete with wildly alternate lives for the male and female leads in this particular tale. And done by a debut author, and set in a suburb of Toronto to boot. So hey, a lot going on here to make it its own – yes, including brief discussions of a multiverse scenario. So if you like your romances with a tinge of magical realism/ scifi-ish ideas… this one is for you. That noted, if you’re among the “clean”/ “sweet” romance crowd… eh, this probably has a lot more thinking and acting on sex than you’d like, including some rather graphic terms… at least according to those types of sensibilities. Again, the actual spice level here is probably more akin to a chipotle – not actually all *that* spicy, but far more spicy than some stomachs can handle and perhaps far more spicy than some minds *want* to handle. Still, as long as you’re aware of that up front (thanks to reading this review), you can make up your own mind. Ultimately, I thought this was a particularly strong effort from a debut author, and I’m looking forward to seeing what Ms. Robb is capable of in her sophomore effort. Very much recommended.

This review of This Spells Love by Kate Robb was originally written on December 8, 2023.

#BookReview: The Second Chance Year by Melissa Wiesner

Scattered Tale Tries To Be Both RomCom And Women’s Fiction. Straight up, I’m fully aware that this is one of those reviews where many will rate this book at 5* for the exact reason I’m deducting a star here (though as you’ll see if you too peruse the reviews, at least some of my commentary will also mirror many of the existing 2* reviews as I write this review early in the morning on the US East Coast on release day for this book). Namely, the preachy hyper-focus on workplace discrimination and outright sexual harassment and even sexual assault… in what is ostensibly trying to be a romcom. If you approach this as a romcom – and perhaps that was my failing here, approaching it in such a way… these issues are far too heavy and completely drag the story down.

However, for those that approach this tale perhaps *wanting* the more Women’s Fiction side of it, where such heavy issues may be more expected, there you’ll get the heaviness the same, but also with the levity that the attempt at also being a romcom brings to the table. So the tale is still scattered, but when approached in such a manner, it likely won’t feel as off-putting. Hell, it may even feel quite a bit refreshing.

And of course my other failing here that must be mentioned is my love of The Family Man, the late 90s/ early 2000s movie with Nic Cage and Tea Leoni. It is my go-to reference for “glimpse” type tales such as this, where the main character is allowed to relive some portion of their life over. And while also a somewhat serious drama itself (with quite a bit of comedy), it was nowhere near as heavy as this book was fairly often. Also having this tale set in the end of year season – as that movie was – didn’t help me completely separate the two, but again, this is likely a failing of mine that perhaps some other readers may share.

Overall, the book actually does both of its scattered foci quite well… it simply fails in the combination, at least when one is expecting more of a “glimpse” based romcom. As mentioned previously, if approached from more of a Women’s Fiction tale, it works rather well.

For those potentially concerned that it doesn’t meet the full requirements of a “romance”… it does, actually – at least every rule I’m personally aware of. And for those concerned about spice level… this one will satisfy the “clean” crowd (while perhaps being too heavy for the “sweet” crowd, though perhaps not) in that the closest anything gets to any “action” – other than the sexual assault(s) – is heavy kissing and waking up in the same bed.

Ultimately one of those tales that will likely be at least somewhat divisive due to the dichotomies I’ve discussed here, it could also do quite well in certain circles and when approached from a certain direction. Recommended.

This review of The Second Chance Year by Melissa Wiesner was originally written on December 5, 2023.

#BlogTour: Talulah’s Back In Town by Brenda Novak

For this blog tour, we’re looking at a fairly standard Hallmarkie type romance. For this blog tour, we’re looking at Talulah’s Back In Town by Brenda Novak.

Here’s what I had to say on the review sites (Goodreads, Hardcover.app, TheStoryGraph, BookHype):

Fairly Standard Hallmarkie Type Romance – And There Is Absolutely Nothing Wrong With That. This is one of those fairly standard Hallmarkie type romances that meets up with a touch of Runaway Bride with real-world type complications, particularly in a small town. There is even a minor *hint* of danger (without ever really feeling too suspenseful, more as a touch of “spice” than anything). In other words, those – not even that arguably *millions* – who read romance books and/ or watch Hallmark movies as pure, mostly light, escapism… hey, this book is *exactly* in that vein and thus will be *exactly* what you’re looking for. For those who don’t like such tales… well, again, this *is* that type of tale. So don’t leave a 1* review because it didn’t exactly break any new ground or because it had some sex scenes and cursing and such. I’ve already told you pretty well *exactly* what to expect here, so the fact that you’re reading this particular review means that you can’t say *no one* warned you. I have! šŸ˜€

But again, for the millions – *and millions!* (to channel a bit of The Rock) – who want some romantic type drama complete with all that this entails… welcome home. Very much recommended.

After the jump, an excerpt from the book followed by the “publisher details” – book description, author bio, and social media and buy links.
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#BookReview: Play To Win by Jodie Slaughter

Extreme And Pervasive Racism Mars Otherwise Spectacular Second Chance Romance. Ok, white dude claiming racism on a book that features few white characters – none of whom are portrayed kindly, fwiw. So let me explain up front: My standard for detecting bigotry is to flip the demographics. If it would then be considered bigotry, then it is bigotry in the original form as well. Here, we have several characters both primary and secondary openly inquiring if a particular local small business is “black owned” or not, all throughout the text. Now, if a book that barely had any black characters had a bunch of white characters asking if a particular local small business was “white owned” or “straight white man” owned… there would be HELL to pay in certain segments of society. Thus, by the standard I stated above, the racism here is quite clear. As it happens frequently throughout the text – including the aforementioned extremely few white characters being portrayed as racist caricatures – it is also pervasive, though you’ll either have to read the book yourself or take my word for that.

Beyond the racism though, this is truly a *spectacular* second chance tale. One that many, no matter their demographics, will deeply understand – particularly those who grew up in the lower echelons of wealth and/ or in the small town rural South, as I did. The motivations for all of our characters here… well, many of us have seen similar shit within our own families, if not directly within our own lives. So truly, kudos, Ms. Slaughter, for staying so *real* and yet also providing a few hours of solid escapism.

While others may claim that the motivations for the separation were “unclear”… no, they weren’t. You just may never have been close to a similar point in your own life, and may not have felt just how close you yourself could have been to making such a boneheaded decision. Even in my professional adult life – not just my initial years in the trailer park – … I’ve been closer to this than most ever realized, and I remember *that* as much as I do my trailer park years, really moreso.

Now, a word for the “sweet” and/ or “clean” crowd that wants anything beyond a peck on the cheek to be completely off screen or at least “behind closed doors”… yeah… apparently Ms. Slaughter doesn’t know how to write that kind of tale, at least not based on the now two books (after Bet On It) I’ve read from her. Instead, as with Bet On It, this is active, in your face (literally, in the case of the characters’ faces šŸ˜‰ ) damn near erotica level sex. So if Ron White / Wanda Sykes type comedy isn’t your thing… you might want to avoid this one, as this gets *so much worse*.

Another thing to like here, and that I mentioned in Bet On It as well, is just how *normal* Ms. Slaughter shows modern Southern living to be, here including even up to casual acceptance of GSM (Gay and Sexual Minorities, a truly inclusive term that doesn’t need constant modifications ever few years) / “LGBT+” people and even couples. While so many tales try to show some level of hostility or animus to such people or any other divergence from lily white WASPy types, Ms. Slaughter’s small town embrace of these characters of some of their own shows the modern South I too grew up in quite realistically and quite well, and for that she is to be commended.

Finally, again, if you can get past the blatant and pervasive racism (or perhaps if you even agree with it), and if you don’t mind the damn near erotica level sex scenes… this really is quite a strong tale and quite well told, given the above caveats. Very much recommended.

This review of Play To Win by Jodie Slaughter was originally written on July 9, 2023.

#BookReview: Second Chance Alaska by Jennifer Snow

Spicy Tropey Romance. Up front: If you prefer no sex/ “fade to black” sex in your romance books… this one isn’t for you. The sex in this one would get an automatic NC-17 if it was ever shown on film exactly as described in the text, even though there are only a couple such scenes in the book. That covers the spicy side of the title, but what about the tropey bit? Well, we’ve got a widower who hates his job, embraces his family legacy… but would love to leave it. He also happens to have one remaining daughter after his wife and older daughter vanished in the period before this story takes place – and yes, he does eventually get his closure on those topics within this story, thanks to cameos from other characters earlier in the series. We’ve got the small town shop owner (a book shop, in this case) who is perhaps a touch secretive about a few things… that she then learns maybe she wasn’t as secretive as she thought she’d been. And our shop owner happens to be the best friend of the missing wife… who harbors hidden feelings for our widower. So like I said, very tropey, very Hallmarkie type small town romance. If that is your jam and you either don’t mind or even actively like the higher heat level here… Snow always manages to slam these types of stories out of the park, and this one is absolutely no different. With the particular events in this book, I would actually recommend newbies start at least at the beginning of this Wild Coast series (even if you don’t go all the way back to the Wild Alaska series it spun off from, which isn’t really necessary to understand the events of this particular book). Readers who have already read the first two books were going to read this one anyway… but I’m fairly positive most will agree with me that this was another excellent entry into the series. And while it almost seems like our story in Port Serenity has finished, particularly with some of the seeming meta commentary built into this tale… that bonus novella advertised on the cover (Love In The Alaskan Wilds, a separate review for me) points to the idea that perhaps Snow isn’t quite finished with Port Serenity after all. Overall, as mentioned, a solid romance tale well told as always, and very much recommended.

This review of Second Chance Alaska by Jennifer Snow was originally written on March 21, 2023.